The differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
Prokaryotic cell is much smaller than Eukaryotic cell.
Eukaryotic cell-, where eu means true (true), karyon means nuclear, that is a complete nuclear envelope as the boundary of the nucleus
Prokaryotic cells -, where pro means before (before), which evolved before the complete nucleus. Its nucleus is not complete, that no nuclear membrane as the cytoplasm and the nucleus of the sub-boundaries.
Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus but Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus.
DNA of prokaryotic cells with little protein but the organization of eukaryotic cells whose DNA contains a lot of complex structure of protein and both are used for the synthesis of ribosomal proteins are not the same size and composition.
Prokaryotic cells have a single strand of DNA, Eukaryotic cells are double-stranded DNA. Some of prokaryotic cells genetic information stored in the RNA, the genetic information of eukaryotic cells all stored in the DNA.
Eukaryotic Cell | Prokaryotic Cell | ||
Mitochondria | Present | Absent | |
Chloroplasts | Present (in plants) | Absent | |
Plasma membrane with steriod | Yes | Usually no | |
Flagella | Microscopic in size; membrane bound; usually arranged as nine doublets surrounding two singlets | Submicroscopic in size, composed of only one fiber | |
Lysosomes and peroxisomes | Present | Absent | |
Microtubules | Present | Absent or rare | |
Nucleolus | Present | Absent | |
Mitosis Occurs | Yes | No | |
Gentic Recombination | Meitosis and fusion gametes | Partial, undirectional transfers DNA | |
Number of chromozones | More than one | One | |
DNA complexed histones | Yes | No | |
True Membrane bound Nucluas | Present | Absent | |
Cell wall | Chemically simpler | Usually chemically complexed | |
Golgi apparatus | Present | Absent | |
Endoplasmi reticulum | Present | Absent | |
Differentation | Tissue and organs | Radimentary | |
Ribosomes | 80S expecially in Mitchindia and chloroplast | 70S | |
Cytoskeleton | Present | May be absent |